Chronicles of Life.
biography ![]() ![]() 17,Hamid Khan. Currently enjoying my teenage life because of the lovely people around me. Am not a person who like to stay at home. In fact, I Love to mix around & hang out as often as I can. Thats the reason I blog, to write down all the special moment in life. So, I won't care if you like it or not. |
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Castle Walls.
January 25, 2011 Currently addicted to this drink. [Am drinking it now.Whee~] Facial mask that I bought from TW. Quite like it. It suites my skin. =) Life was kinda beautiful & lifeless. Beautiful because I love spending time with him & also his friends. Lifeless because I got nothing to do than staying at home, watching drama when he is not free. And my friends? All busying about their own work. Luckily, I found some jobs. Got a job in nursery. Which I guess i'll be enjoying. Also found another job as a waitress. But am not sure whether I really got that job. Kinda confuse. =[ So currently am still quite free. Can still hang around & waste my own sweet time. Keep thought of my secondary school life. Freaking miss all those time!!! [except exam time] |
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