Chronicles of Life.
biography ![]() ![]() 17,Hamid Khan. Currently enjoying my teenage life because of the lovely people around me. Am not a person who like to stay at home. In fact, I Love to mix around & hang out as often as I can. Thats the reason I blog, to write down all the special moment in life. So, I won't care if you like it or not. |
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Chocolate Days.
August 28, 2010 13August[White Chocolate] Counted as a bad day because it is raining heavily after our tuition. PLUS we're starving by that time because at 1st we planned to eat at the night market. But, after this things were kinda fun. HTee came to join us for a movie night. And we've ordered Domino [again]. Pity that fellow who deliver the pizza for us. He is soaking wet too~ Nice shot from HTee. Watched "Maid of Honor" & "Dead or Alive". =] We're kinda sleepy by that time. =P 14August[Chocolates] Woke up early in the morning & went to the market with Hui. Yuppie, went to buy some ingredient for cooking. And also "tapao" breakfast! He is waiting to eat~ After this, we get ready to have our outing. Ist stop was One-Stop. Why One-Stop? To buy Dvds & Tee's shirt. =] Then, we walked to Gurney. Lunch at "Xuan Xin Ramen Kitchen". Me & Hui's favourite eating place. After lunch, we spend some time in registering some RedBox thingy. Then, shopping in FOS. Didn't get to buy the singlet I want because it's out of size! Wanted it since some time ago but too bad. At the end, Hui bought it. *lolx* We have to went home early because Tee had tuition. Cooked dinner! Spaghetti~ ![]() We had movie night again after dinner. The movies were "Dear John" & "WooHoo". High expectation on "Dear John" but it turn out so-so. 3 of us was like "thats it?" when we saw the ending. We're hoping someone died or what-so-ever so that we can cry like big babies. =P 15 August [Dark Chocolate] Wake up kinda early too, was planning to have dim-sum with Ah Heng. But the plan got screwed up because Hui's bike broke down. Met up with Lawrence at basketball court when we're on our way back. We cooked again at that night =] but i don't know where the pictures had gone. Hui fetch Tee back home after dinner. But to me & Hui, the night still young! So, we went out again to Gurney & watched ![]() Nice movie! Romantic indeed. Love the way they mix Chinese Orchestra in it. And all the songs were a blast! We went ronda after the movie. Planned to go e-gate to have supper but it had close when we reach there. Well, thats all for my chocolate days. I really miss those days, had so much fun with my besties.♥ |
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