Chronicles of Life.
biography ![]() ![]() 17,Hamid Khan. Currently enjoying my teenage life because of the lovely people around me. Am not a person who like to stay at home. In fact, I Love to mix around & hang out as often as I can. Thats the reason I blog, to write down all the special moment in life. So, I won't care if you like it or not. |
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Already Gone.
May 15, 2010 I don't like reality, Its way too clear to me But really life is dandy, We are what we don't see We miss everything daydreaming Went to school in the morning for gotong-royong. We're unlucky because it rains heavily. This turn out bad when we're trying to clean up the volleyball court. It's so wet. *yucks* So, we just clean for 1hr & gone for 2hrs. Went out from the school to eat before the gotong-royong thingy really ends. =P Hui went to my house after that. Was planning to study. Online-ing. *shake head* Then, we're too bored & lazy. So, Hui help to curl my hair. Its ugly! Mom said that I look like a mad girl from Tanjung Rambutan. *lol* After all the fun, it's time to finish up our homework. After she went back, I went out for dinner. Then, went to Sunshine. Suprisingly, met Hui again! Faith brought us together? *lol* Cant stop myself from buying it. =] Well, one day gone again. And I've not yet really start studying. So, wish me GoodLuck! Sorry that I've ignore you guys. I don't really mean it. But, there are really too many things that make me forget to contact you all. Sorry~ How i wish you could get lost from our life? Stop ruining our happiness. |
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